Подниму-ка тему 
Совсем недавно Maskar обновил мод до версии 4.4 (включая фикс-апдэйт - v4.4.1). Нововведений не очень много, но они интересные. Список изменений (на англ. языке):
- Added dynamic lock difficulty for doors and containers
- Added locks ini file to configure quality of containers and doors
- Added ability for some containers to need a key which is carried by a nearby actor
- Added chance of finding treasure in containers needing a key to be opened
- Increased chance of finding lost items in containers needing a key to be opened
- Added Corundum, Ebony, Iron, Malachite, Moonstone, Orichalcum, Quicksilver and Stalhrim ore veins
- Added Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz gem veins
- Added Welkynd and Varla stone (fragment) veins
- Added Piles of Rubble to Ayleid dungeons near cities
- Added ability to mine ore/gems/stones with a pickaxe
- Added Dwemer Pickaxes to mine Stalhrim Ore
- Added dynamic environment loot for npcs and creatures
- Added 17 ore/gem/stone Atronachs (including silver and gold)
- Added Stalhrim armor to some Skyrim regional bosses
- Added 2-handed clubs to various regional warriors
- Added spears to Black Marsh regional npcs
- Added Elven Scimitars to Hammerfell regional grunts
- Added Elven Double Daggers to Elsweyr thieves
- Added Ayleid Ghosts to Ayleid ruins (based on date and location)
- Added dagger and unarmed sneak damage multipliers
- added ability to double sneak attack damage by wearing the Shrouded Armor and Hood
- Added ability to configure creature/npc spawn sizes (including outdoors and on roads)
- Added ability to disable MOO replacing vanilla actors with MOO actors
- Updated ability for weak npcs to flee when starting combat
- Added ability to configure leveling speed (unchanged by default)
- Lowered rarity of some Spellbook parts
- Disabled skill requirements for bound ammo
- Added support for StarX Vanilla Vampires Revised through compatibility ini file
- Added support for Crossbows of Cyrodiil
- Added support for pickaxes added by Francescos Creatures and Items
- Added option to disable MOO making permanent changes to savegame (ore veins, etc.)
MOO сам по себе шикарный мод, гибкий в настройке, не конфликтует с другими модами и ко всему прочему, продолжает развиваться. Определенно заслуживает внимания и качественной локализации.
Просьба к переводчикам сайта, если есть время, подсобите Nealus'у с переводом, всем будет большая польза 
Сообщение отредактировал Mr.None: 19 января 2015 - 12:07