Bard in The Rosy Lion tavern , Daggerfall . Battle of Glenumbra Moors

2 229

Battle of Glenumbra Moors

Who took up arms that winter dawn and to Glenumbra came ?
To raise their hand 'gainst tyrants , stand and die in freedom's name ?
Who stood upon the field that hour to answer Direnni's call ?
Men , Breton-born , all came that morn , to fend the land for all !

Rise , rise ! To freedom , rise ! Arise , ye Breton sons and daughters .
Ride , ride ! To freedom , ride ! Truth and glory to the brave !

And when the battle , it was joined , Alessians three to one ,
Skies lit bright with magic's light and with magic , it was won .
For all they stood on blessed ground whence all her power came ,
The rocks would yield , what might they wield , all in Direnni's name !

Rise , rise ! To freedom , rise ! Arise , ye Breton sons and daughters .
Ride , ride ! To freedom , ride ! Truth and glory to the brave !

So children of this Breton land , ye best remember well
All those who for High Rock stood : Brian , Ancois , Rielle
Men of the North fought and stood forth
Till all oppressors fell !



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