FMRA (Fankaizhi Manga Round Ass) Body Replacer




Added FMRA (Fankaizhi Manga Round Ass) body replacer to Oblivion.


I don’t know where to find Fankaizhi Manga body replacer, so I don’t include link to the original mod yet. If someone knows, please let me know.

But I found complation mods from Japanese website that uses Fankaizhi Manga as body base. So this mod was made from that.

Originally, Fankaizhi Manga body replacer mod is a Double Melons upperbody with Manga BIG nipples from Manga body replacer mod, but it still uses Manga lowerbody, hands & feet.

And probably, it was made by Fankaizhi (if it is the person’s name). *see picture 03 & 04


FMRA (Fankaizhi Manga Round Ass) body replacer is a Fankaizhi Manga upperbody combined with Round Ass lowerbody, hands & feet from DMRA (Double Melons Round Ass) body replacer mod.

But Fankaizhi Manga upperbody is not perfect...

The right boob is asymmetrical to the left boob, and it would give problems when modders (including me) is converting the armor/clothing on top of it.

So what I did in Blender was:

  1. Cut left nipple of Fankaizhi Manga upperbody and mirror it to the right to be as template.
  2. Cursor <> Selection right nipple of Fankaizhi Manga upperbody with the right nipple template.
  3. Delete Fankaizhi Manga upperbody and leave the nipples only.
  4. Delete nipples from Double Melons upperbody and leave the upperbody only.
  5. Join Fankaizhi Manga nipples with no-nipples Double Melons upperbody.
  6. Remove doubles.
  7. UV mapping the skin textures to get the rounded nipples on the Fankaizhi Manga upperbody.

That's all.


Manga body replacer can be found in BBB Designer body spell: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/34762 and original author is also unknown...

Please let me know if you know too.

Because Manga nipples are so BIG, so using EC or HGEC body textures will give a weird look on the nipples area.

So I use my fellow countryman; navetsea, F-INEV Oblivion textures mod

https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/19021 that has some modders resources textures with nipples, belly button, and genital options.

I then chose one of my favorite nipples textures and resized them 1,5x bigger until it fits perfectly on the nipples area, and also did the same with the normal maps.




Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/27945 or any other skeleton mod for better bouncing boobs & bouncing butt features.




First, backup your current body replacer files from: Data/Meshes/characters/_male and your current textures files from: Data/Textures/characters/imperial.

Then copy the Data folder into your Oblivion game directory folders and allow the new files to overwrite the old.


 Recommended Mods


All the girls in my image section are taken from NPCs in my mods uploaded to Nexus:

  1. Nico Robin & Rebecca from my One Piece Series DMRA & RobertMusc Armor Clothing Separated Into Parts
  2. Sirris from my Souls Series DMRA & RobertMusc Armor Separated Into Parts
  3. Claudia from my Big Boobs Teacher (Oppai Sensei) Outfit Separated Into Parts (SIP)
  4. Koshosho: I haven't upload yet...
  5. Elf from my Clan of Champions DMRA Armor Separated Into Parts
  6. Ashley from my Ashley Graham RE4 DMRA Armor Separated Into Parts




Speedbuster for his Double Melons body replacer mod

navetsea for F-Inev Oblivion skinset textures.

Manga mod author?

Fankaizhi Manga mod author?

Last but not least: Thanks to all of you who like my kind of work. Can't wait to release another mod!


Coronerras maximum compatibility skeletons https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/27945



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а есть реплейсер стандартной одежды под эти тела?

DMRA version of standard clothes will do.
The body is totally the same with DMRA, the changes only on the nipples area.

Текст комментария скрыт

Hello. So sorry, I'm not sure I really understand what do you mean.
But if you're complaining why this mod not set as NSFW?, that's because there is no option to set that, so nothing I can do about that. Maybe inform about this matter to the webmaster will help.
But always beware to any body replacer mods/news, because logically it will surely show a lot of skin (yeah, because it's not armor/clothing mod either).

Yes. I mean exactly this. Need to add this option or not add such mods at all, while this option gone.

lovender, I would recommend not to pay attention to such comments, because this user initially forgot that he was sitting on the site with of 18 + age.Since site already have such nsfw mods ages ago.

Yep, will do. Wait...ages ago?! ;D

lovender, I mean years.XD Sometimes google translate can interpret meaning of words on its own vision.

Lord RZ
05.11.2022 — 07:40

lovender, one of screenshot for face of site must be neutral, without nude form)) please add this every and take for it green tick in post redactor)) thanks!

Lord RZ, wait...I don't have screenshot without nude form btw. T_T Because it's body replacer mod anyway. Let me try to figure out...
If I censor the nipples with smiley icon, is it still categorized as nude form?

There...I censored all the nipples with smiley icons.
If it's still not enough, let me figure it out...again.

Noinikaido, yeah...I'm just kidding you btw. ;D

Lord RZ
05.11.2022 — 21:16

lovender, thanks)) and you can ever use this:
but this smiles - nice too))

Lord RZ, yes, the smiley looks nice. Thanks, Lord!

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NthLink LoZ, Aaah...

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LariaT, such an honour.

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