Officially known as Mirai - The Girl With The Dragon Heart, she is a follower mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition that adds a fully-voiced Breton follower. In order to start her quest line and gain her as a follower, you must have met the Greybeards for the main Skyrim quest line. (If you wish to skip this, you can use the debug book found in her home near her bed.)
You'll find her in Markarth.

Mirai is a young mage living alone in the harsh frozen wastelands of Skyrim for close to a year. Originally from High Rock like the rest of her kind, after a situation with her father, she ran away to seek refuge alone in the lands of the north. What the situation was, however; she's not as open about. Mirai had always been a delicate girl, a fawn under her mother's protection. While she lived a sheltered life, she always had the adventurous heart of a dragon. As such, being forced to learn to become more independent so quickly was a struggle, but she eventually found a way to carry on. Her long time alone in Skyrim began to have an affect on her once-sweet demeanor, and now comes off as a much more abrasive, distrusting, and an overall 'cold' person to others. Her front comes to falter from time to time, as at the very heart of her being she is still the same delicate girl she once was and perhaps just needs someone to open up to to help her solve the problem that continues to plague her from the inside out.

This mod is here because it has been removed from the nexus.


Skyrim SE/AE


Copy the contents of the archive to the game's Data folder or use the mod manager.



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